12 Jul Bury Your Fear, Conquer the World
“Your fear should always be allowed to have a voice, and a seat in the vehicle of your life. But whatever you do — don’t let your fear DRIVE.”
– Elizabeth Gilbert
There’s nothing that prevents people from tapping into their full potential more than fear. Fear is not only crippling, but it can crush dreams – whether it’s a startup organization striving to become mainstream or an individual seeking to share their talent with the world. That’s why so many unfulfilled hopes, aspirations, and sheer brilliance wind up buried in the graveyard instead of realized or expressed in the present.
Fear does not discriminate and it manifests in all different shapes and sizes – Fear of failure, fear of public speaking, fear of pursuing a career path, the list is endless. Fear is very similar to anxiety in that you can concoct an entirely fabricated story in your mind and convince yourself that it’s the truth. While fear is a normal part of humanity, rather than letting it rob you of happiness, use it to propel you forward.
You’re in control. You can choose to let fear paralyze you, or you can allow it to empower you and fuel your potential to new heights. Fear can drive your destiny depending on how you react to it. After all, if William Hung let fear keep him from auditioning from American Idol, we would never have heard his glorious rendition of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs.”
Don’t want to let fear hold you back anymore? Here’s what to do.
Accept Your Fear Then Push Forward
As Shia LaBeouf once wisely said, “Just Do It.”
Your fears only have the upper hand when you let them consume you. The only way to ensure fear never wins is to first accept and acknowledge it, then push forward and strive for your goals anyway. Seriously, just raise that middle finger and tell fear to get lost. And the best part? You don’t need to have it all figured out to start taking action. While preparation and planning are certainly important, taking one step forward, and then two, and then three, will get things moving and set you on the right track.
It doesn’t matter how big or small your fear may be, if you get into the habit of accepting your fear and then pushing beyond it, over time you’ll feel empowered, confident, and capable of conquering any obstacle that dares to stand in your way. Action is key.
Adopt a New Perspective on Failure
Although fear takes many forms, the fear that inhibits us the most is the fear of failure. Breaking free of your restraints, pursuing your dreams, and rising above your limits is only possible if you alter your philosophy on failure. When we see failure as an opportunity to learn and take more educated steps forward, it’ll not only serve as a source of inspiration, but it will begin transforming your life in ways you’ve never imagined.
Failure is a gift in disguise. By making this small mental shift, you’ll be able to overcome your fear of failure rather than letting it thwart your greatness. As the great Nelson Mandela said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
Be intentional, be bold, and do something each day that challenges you to step outside your comfort zone.
Let your fearlessness shine just as bright on the outside as it does on the inside by grabbing one of our Bury the Fear tees: Buy Now!
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