23 Jul Feel The Optimism and Embrace the Opportunity
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
– Winston Churchill.
Some days we wake up, brilliant rays of sunlight are shining through the window and yet, it feels like we’re standing beneath a gloomy storm cloud. While some people brush it off, others become trapped, letting little droplets of discouragement drizzle down on them until they’re completely thrown off their game.
What gives?
So, how do you bring back the sunshine?
Optimism and positive thinking.
Did you know your mindset has the power to completely change your world? Think it seems too good to be true? Even Muhammad Ali, who slayed it in the boxing ring says, “To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.”
Happy, successful people understand the importance of fueling your mind and body with positive vibes. They focus on what they want and what steps they’re going to take to get there. By talking and thinking about your goals, aspirations, and what makes you happy, your brain releases feel-good endorphins and ignites your desire to take action.
You Gotta Feel It to Know It
Without passion and positivity, life, work, and everything in between become dreary and uninspiring. If you find yourself in the habit of saying things like “Ugh, I HAVE to go to work” or “Why the heck do I HAVE to clean the house?” negativity is flowing out of you.
Instead, revamp your perspective and look at things in a different light. For example, you “GET to go to work” or you “GET to clean your house” because you’re thankful you’ve got money in the bank and a roof over your head. Here’s the ugly truth: if you can’t change your mindset and adopt a positive attitude, nothing in the whole world – not talent, not opportunity, not education – can make up for it.
Give Your Attitude the Ability to Play Make Believe
It’s all about optimism – and just like any other skill, it’s a quality you can learn. Anyone ever hear of laughter yoga? For some reason, this was a course my college offered…for actual college credit…It was a no-brainer, I immediately signed up. The concept behind it was quite simple, voluntary laughter offers the same psychological and physiological benefits as real, spontaneous laughter. Lo and behold, it actually worked. What started as awkward, forced laughter eventually mutated into authentic, contagious fits of giggles.
The same idea applies to positivity and optimism. If you talk, do, and mimic what happy, successful people are doing, you will start feeling good, seeing results, and experiencing life in a whole new way.
Find Your Happiness
Want to set yourself apart from the average Joe? Get clear on your goals, focus your mind on ways to achieve them, and approach everything – even unforeseen hurdles – with confidence and optimism. Things are bound to go wrong from time to time. But when you view difficulties from an optimistic standpoint, it allows you to focus on the positives of the situation.
While it can be a difficult pill to swallow, there is always a valuable lesson to be gained from failure or a setback. If you feel your blood pressure rising, just take a breath and ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Use what you learned to do better, reach higher, and achieve more moving forward.
The Power Is in Your Hands
The decision ultimately rests in your hands. Do you want to see the glass half empty or half full? It’s the unexpected setbacks that are a true test of what kind of attitude we choose to have. When you stop entertaining doubts and negative thoughts, you will really feel the power of what you can achieve. What’s more, as you practice positive thinking, it’ll eventually become ingrained in your subconscious, allowing you to tackle things that normally fall outside your comfort zone.
Goodbye self-limiting beliefs. Hello growth and potential!
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