10 Positive Lessons the tv show ‘Friends’ Taught Us About Life

10 Positive Lessons ‘Friends’ Taught Us About Life

10 Positive Lessons the tv show ‘Friends’ Taught Us About Life

  1. While I always preach nothing is impossible, living in a huge apartment in the heart of New York City as a freelance massage therapist or a waitress is something straight out of a childhood fairy tale. However, did we question it? Not when it came to the wildly popular TV series, Friends.

While the lives of our favorite band of misfits were far from perfect, their experiences taught us a lot of important life lessons. Whether it’s that life can throw you curveballs (hello Monica’s fake boob debacle at work), or that working out with a hernia may not be the smartest idea, the show gave us everything we needed to know to navigate through life’s ups and downs.

And don’t deny it: Friends is legit one the most bingeable shows of all time! Yes, I made up the word bingeable…so, what? Spread the word.

Whether you were a Rachel, Chandler, or a mixture of several characters, the sitcom had countless authentic moments that anyone could identify with. One episode had you bawling your eyes out while the next gave you an ab workout from all the intense fits of laughter – either way, you never tore your eyes away from that screen.

Here are 10 positive life lessons we learned, courtesy of the show Friends.


Hustle Hard to Achieve Your Goals

When the show first debuted, we saw the cast working jobs that, let’s face it, they weren’t huge fans of. Monica worked at a local diner she despised, Rachel was a waitress, and Joey was a struggling actor (which was hilariously entertaining for us viewers). However, through their career-related woes, they never caved into defeat. Rather, they continued to pursue their passions, always reaching higher.

Through tenacity and dedication, they eventually managed to climb the metaphorical ladder – working with a luxury fashion brand, as a head chef, and a professor. Even Chandler, who became an intern during a career transition, invested a heck of a lot of time and energy just to prove he was capable of greatness. We applaud you, Chandler.

The lesson here? You can’t imagine your dreams into existence, it takes hard work. Be relentless. Be fearless. And use setbacks or failures as an opportunity for growth.

Don’t Cower, Take Risks

There’s no reward without taking a risk. Think: Oprah or Jay-Z. “Easy” will never be a word used to describe their upbringing or hardships. But, they persisted. And, well…you don’t need me to tell you where they landed. (Hint: on top)

Adrenaline junkies aside, a majority of people struggle to step outside their cozy, safe comfort zone. However, as we’ve learned from Friends, nothing exciting ever blossoms if you don’t take risks.

Make that grand gesture and show your crush what they mean to you. Forget the crappy day job that only brings you misery and chase a new entrepreneurial pursuit instead. Do something you’ve been craving to try but have always let your nerves hold you back. Let’s be real: you may take a risk and totally crash and burn – and that’s perfectly okay. Isn’t it better knowing you tried than be faced with regrets down the road?

Bust a Move or Belt Out Your Favorite Song Like Nobody’s Watching

Bust a Move or Belt Out Your Favorite Song Like Nobody’s Watching

Smelly cat 🎵 Smelly cat 🎵 What are they feeding you…🎶

There’s a seemingly endless supply of Friends episodes that are pure gold when it comes to this particular life lesson. For instance, who could forget Rachel feeling completely mortified whenever Phoebe went running? The flapping, bird-like running style is certainly not the norm, but Rachel soon discovered that letting loose and running like Phoebe is a hell of a lot more fun.

Or, what about Monica and Ross absolutely slaying that New Year’s Eve party? Sure, everyone thought they looked foolish, but why let the haters ruin a good time? Life is too short to be serious 24/7. Be silly. Laugh more. Get loud. Have fun. Stop thinking so much. When you start comparing yourself to others, it’ll only drain you of your own happiness. If you like binge-watching old school karate films, do it! If you have a closet full of graphic tees and all your girlfriends are wearing sundresses, keep doing you! Never compromise who you are.

Cue the “I’ll Be There for You” Theme Song

Don’t deny it: you love singing along to this iconic theme song. Or at least doing the clapping part. The catchy tune perfectly exemplifies the overarching message that weaves together the entire show – the power of friendship.

If you’re in a rut or blowing through Kleenex after a heartbreak, your friends got your back. Dealing with a setback? Your crew will help you make an epic comeback. Had a shitty day at work? They’ll ensure your night is full of laughter and good vibes.

Remember, you don’t need a huge squad. And forget about hanging around people who are selfish and don’t reciprocate your efforts. Surround yourself with the loyal ones. The ones you can call at 3am when you’re in a bind. The ones who will down a tub of Rocky Road ice cream with you and enjoy a glass (or three) of wine when you’re feeling down.

Embrace Different Points of View

In the wise words of Joey Tribbiani, “It’s a moo point. You know, like a cow’s opinion. It doesn’t matter. It’s moo.” It’s hard to ignore other people’s opinions. Whether we want validation, to beat our political views into someone’s brain, or we’re purely looking for acceptance, people tend to allow the opinions of others dictate their choices and behavior.

However, the reality is, everyone has something to say – whether it’s about leasing vs buying a car, what beer tastes the best, or they heard “Yanni” and you definitely heard “Laurel.” Stop worrying about being judged for your opinions or choices. Think about it. If the entire world agreed on everything, that would be an absolute snoozefest. Respect what other people have to say, have a discussion about it if need be, and embrace the fact that we live in a society where we get to be exposed to different beliefs.

Being Judgmental Isn’t an Attractive Quality

In an age where social media dominates pop culture, it’s easy to judge someone from behind the comfort of your laptop or smartphone. But when you pass judgment on someone, especially someone you don’t know, it doesn’t define who they are, it defines who you are.

Friends has done a great job of showing viewers that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Are you going to form a natural connection with everyone you meet? Of course not. You’re bound to come across individuals who don’t share your values or beliefs. If they aren’t a source of positivity in your life, you don’t need to keep them around. However, always be respectful and make sure you invest the time in getting to know someone before you decide to write them off.

First impressions are misleading. I, myself, have been told by others that they completely misread me or would’ve never thought I the person I turned out to be when they first met me. When I was younger, I might have found this offensive. But now, it means there’s a level of depth or value in who I am that others appreciate once they give me the time of day. Always give people a chance to show who they truly are. You just never know how they may change your life for the better.

Stand by What’s Important to You

Everyone travels down their own path in life. Stick by your values and goals and never let anyone sway your priorities. Rachel exemplified this lesson well over the course of the series. Remember when she was offered a job in Paris? For those who place their career above all else, they’d be boarding that plane without a second thought. For Rachel, however, friends and family took priority, which meant no Eiffel Tower for her.

Everyone is driven by something different. Whether you’re focused on pursuing a passion project, value traveling over settling down, or you choose to use your free time to work on a novel you hope will be published someday, you have full control over what you choose to prioritize.

Honesty Really Is Everything

Honesty Really is Everything

Watching people spew lies like word vomit on television is entertaining.

How about this hilarious moment when Joey called out Chandler for claiming he watched his Ichiban lipstick for men commercial: “First, you lied, right? Then, you lied about lying, ok? Then you lied about lying about lying, ok? So, before you lie about lying about lying about lying about…lying…STOP LYING!”

Or how about Joey’s billion failed attempts at lying? Sure, on TV it’s great. In real life, though, it’s not cool, bro. There’s no “ba-dum ching” of the drum to provide some comic relief after you’ve been caught in a lie. Being dishonest can jeopardize relationships, hurt others, and, quite frankly, make you look like a jerk.

Moral of the story? Be honest. The internet has made it easy to hide behind tweets or completely fabricate one’s lifestyle on Instagram to look “cool,” but what’s actually cool is when you’re authentically yourself. Secrets and lies always have a way of coming out at the end of the day, so own it now before you cause yourself a whirlwind of trouble.

Always Exercise Self-Love

Why try to fit into societal standards or change yourself to please others when you have so many unique traits that make you special? Learn to show yourself some self-love. The beauty of Friends is that the characters were so diverse – Monica was a clean freak and didn’t try to hide it, Ross geeked out over dinosaurs, Chandler was the king of sarcasm, Joey was a bottomless pit when it came to food, and Phoebe always played by her own rules.

They lived, worked, and tackled life just like you and me, but what made them memorable was their unique set of quirks. Your passions, hobbies, and interests make you who you are – and that’s something that should never change.

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