Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better

Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better

Did you know positive thinking can play a pivotal role in your weight loss efforts? Think about it: When your mindset is trapped in a perpetual state of negativity, it can trigger self-defeating behaviors. I’m talking neglecting your workout sess, binging on junk food, and ignoring your diet altogether.

So, how do you avoid falling into this harmful mentality? The power lies in positive thinking. When you adopt a more confident and optimistic outlook, it’ll have a correlative effect on your motivation and energy level.

Empower Yourself

When you hold onto a negative attitude, it can make losing weight nearly impossible. Negative thought patterns, such as only focusing on what you can’t eat, literally dreading the thought of exercise, and criticizing yourself just because you had a cookie, will ultimately derail your efforts to shed some pounds.

Empower Yourself Positive J

Only looking at yourself in a negative light is mentally exhausting and will drain the energy you need to accomplish your goals. It’s easy to turn to a jug of ice cream or skip a workout when you’re consumed by negative emotions – like feeling depressed or powerless.

Rather than ignoring these feelings, make it a point to first acknowledge them and then mentally rework these thoughts into positive ones. I’m not going to lie: it’ll be difficult at first. But with practice, it’ll become habitual. And soon, you’ll realize you’ve transformed your mentality into one that embraces positivity.

How to Strengthen Your Positivity

Look, I get it; when someone preaches positivity, most people respond with, “I can’t help what I feel.” It’s true that negative thoughts or feelings may crop up unexpectedly, but how you choose to react to them makes all the difference. When we ignore our darker emotions, they tend to become more powerful. The secret is to tap into your feelings, give them space to breathe, and then overcome them.

Strengthen Your Positivity Toy Story

Everyone has a different method for transforming their thoughts. One way to tackle cravings or a lack of willpower is to keep a journal and write your thoughts down. When you put these thoughts on paper, you can take them out of your mind and leave them behind. Then, focus on actions and moments worth celebrating. Maybe you said no to the cupcakes your coworker brought to the office. Or, maybe you drank your coffee black instead of loading up on sugar. Whatever the case may be, your triumphs deserve attention. Each time you acknowledge another small victory, it’ll raise your self-esteem and push you closer towards achieving your goals.

Setting Realistic Goals

When you set wildly unrealistic goals, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If you hold yourself to unattainable standards, it’s not only unhealthy, but it’ll wind up making you feel discouraged and incapable – which is simply not the case. So be realistic, because when you hit your weekly or monthly goals, you’ll feel like a rockstar. It’ll fuel your positivity and give you the drive you need to keep pushing forward.

Remember, don’t beat yourself up. If you caved and had a snicker’s bar, it’s okay. If you obsess over it, it’ll only lead you down the slippery slope of negativity. And who wants that? Just let yourself get back on track and move on.

If all else fails, just summon your inner Arianna Grande and you’ll slay your goals.

Ariana Grande I Want It I Got It

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